This is a special blog post for this week. Some days ago, YouPic picked up my 10
th Inspirational image. And for this occasion, I've decided to make a story of some sort and post it on YouPic. I did that a week or two ago (as YouPic allows to post Stories, some sort of blog posts, for specific users only).
So, I've created a post with these 10 images and a short story for each one of them. Even though some more inspirational images were also picked by YouPic before I even make such a post on YouPic itself, but I didn't include these images that were added to the inspirational list after the 10
th image. In the following lines (next section) you will be reading the post that I've created for YouPic, and in addition to that, you can click each image title to head to YouPic website for that specific image.
So, I hope you are all safe (and home) and I hope this posts adds something to the boring time spent indoors (but it's a must after all!). Hopefully 2 weeks from now I'll be able to make a post about some of the images that I've worked on, and been working on. I leave you now with
Na Deich (the ten).
Na Deich
Well, as I received or gained my first 10 inspirational images, as picked by the editors or admins, I thought of doing this "story" here talking about these 10 images and some background story behind them. I'll try to keep it as short as possible (fingers crossed!). Notice that after marking my 10th inspirational image, two or more images were marked as inspirational as well, but these won't be included in this list, as it is only dedicated to the first 10. Since I don't remember the order of picking as "inspirational," I've decided to go here with an alphabetical order based on the image title. So, I hope you like this post.
1. Cinematic Lady Nature
Cinematic Lady Nature |
This is one image in a series of shots that I've been training myself with to create a "cinematic" look, or what is commonly known as "cinematic photography". This is an old image in fact, shot back in 2010, in the garden of "Thornbrook House B&B" where I stayed in Cashel, Co. Tipperary, Ireland, when I visited Ireland for the second time. There were many beautiful settings in this garden and it was a subject for some panoramas as well. I was a beginner back then and even at that time I had more focus on panorama-making rather than single shots (and people know me mostly for my panorama work rather than single shots). Anyway, old shots (even those neglected before) are some good targets to work, for learning new techniques in editing, like this one. I've processed this image in various ways before and called it "Lady Nature," thus I've just "cinematic" to the title here. In processing the image (which involved a lot of work with colors), I've decided to sharpen the statue only and leave the rest with a dreamy look in hope to add some depth and dimension to it.
2. Enlightenment
Enlightenment |
This is a full panorama (or equirectangular panorama), encompassing 360 degrees horizontally and 180 degrees (almost) vertically. This panorama was shot inside the Chinese temple in the Scholars Garden of Staten Island, NY. I was visiting the state to meet some online friends back in 2012. Two major things that gave me a headache here: The strong highlight (meaning wider dynamic range) and centering the tripod. Despite the fact that I shoot most of my panoramas by bracketing and then merge the images into a single HDR panorama, yet, the dynamic range here was problematic as I didn't set up the range of the bracketing correctly. Good thing that some details can be observed still through the door, in the outside, but the sky should have been blue in fact. Centering the tripod for panoramas is quite essential if the place bears some symmetry like this one; And of course, I always screw that up. Few centimeters off, and you will be spending hours in Photoshop trying to balance and restore the symmetry of the place. Which I did here, though I'm not sure it is perfect still.
3. Good Morning Kuwait VIII
Good Morning Kuwait VIII |
This image dates back to the time when I was more "capable" of going out alone in winter nights and shoot. The shot was taken right after I've finished working on a panorama at that spot; A spot that I've been checking for 3 months to plan for the shoot. This spot specifically was down at the beach and the only way to it was to get down some rocky slope (artificial) and to do that in the dark, with Retinitis Pigmentosa, is a great risk. Also, I had to wait for a proper time since this spot gets covered with water at high tide time, and because of that as well, I had to work as fast as I could working on the panorama to avoid the next high tide time, and the sunrise. I've finished the panorama just in time and the sun started to rise few minutes after I've finished. So, I hated to leave the place without shooting a "memorial shot" here. This shot was also printed and sent as a gift to a friend in the US. As for the title, this is the 8th image in a series of images I've taken in the morning here in Kuwait over a span of some years, and this just happened to be the 8th.
4. Greenery Lines
Greenery Lines |
I remember this shot back in 2012, some weeks after coming back from my vacation in Staten Island, NY. I was then a member in a photography group and we managed to go to some mall (the Sharg Mall, a.k.a. Souk Sharg) after getting a permit. Having a permit here is somewhat hard if you are not a well-known personality or something. So, I didn't want to miss the chance. The first thing I did was to shoot a panorama inside the mall, and then headed outside trying to find some targets. This building was on the other side of the street and just behind the marina. It was under construction back then, and little did I know back then, that this building is the new headquarter for the Central Bank of Kuwait. The original shot underwent a critical work of cropping and perspective fixes to get it in this shape.
5. L-Orizzont
L=Orizzont |
This is probably one of my most beloved shots. A short panorama done with a telephoto lens (Sigma 70-300mm) from the roof of Dar ta' Żebbi B&B where I was staying in the town of Qala on Gozo island, Malta. It was my last evening there as I had to leave the next day and the owners allowed me to go to the roof. I have to say it is such a magnificent view full of magnificent details. My aim was to capture the sun setting behind the church or chapel but I was not lucky (such shots need planning). The church is supposedly in the next town, either Xewkija or Nadur, but some followers on Instagram saw other images I've shot from that angle and said it is Xewkija. Originally, this panorama was wider, and colorful after tone-mapping from HDR (it had some blue tints in it as well). However, I've made another version which is seen here. I'm proud to say that I've even printed this panorama and submitted it as a gift myself to the Maltese embassy in Kuwait, and they called back to thank me. Originally, the title was "Nżul ix-xemx fuq Xewkija" (sunset over Xewkija) but I had to change the title in order to submit the photo to some contests.
6. Nox Salmiyah
Nox Salmiyah |
Just for the records, Salmiyah (or Salmiya) is a city (or an area as we call it) which is mostly commercial by nature. The city overlooks the sea and probably famous for its corniche or plage road which goes up to the capital passing through the eastern coastal line of the country. At this spot many fast food chains reside and I think in this panorama Burger King shows up. It was my first nocturnal panorama ever, done back in 2012. I still remember that cold winter night. I was wearing 3 layers of clothes and because of my bad calculations and estimations, the water level started to rise as I was working and covered my feet completely. The panorama finished in around 2 hours, and the first thing I've done after finishing was to turn on the heater inside the car and point it downward to warm my feet up. This didn't stop me from doing another one later, though. The shoot was done in ISO 800; quite high for my cropped sensor. Thus, tone-mapping and processing this panorama was somewhat of a hurdle. Some stars did show in the dark night sky despite the city light (I did realize some patterns) but they got mixed with the digital noise in the image. Thus, when I tried to clean the noise, many stars were washed away as they were identified as noise grains.
7. The Multi-Tasker
The Multi-Tasker |
I have to admit here that I wished I've named this shot "Houdini." This shot (and some others in the series) were made during a mood swing merged with boredom. I had a rest on my recliner and placed the camera in front of me with the a speedlite on its top (580EXII) and started to test the stroboscopic or multi function. I was trying to find some idea to do and shoot using this particular function in the speedlite, beside studying the relationship between the shutter speed, the number of flashes, and the frequency of flashes. I was continuously making shots moving my hands in front of my face or covering my face in a peek-a-boo movement. When I checked the images on my computer, the movement of the fingers looked mesmerizing, despite not being exactly the shape I wanted (I was aiming for symmetry). However, the background was problematic with details. Luckily, my wall is green, so I converted the whole image (and the rest in the series) to B&W and worked on hiding the details in the background by toning down the green tones and other colors. However, a special treatment for the eyes was required; I had to convert them into B&W separately to keep them glowing as they are in the color version (somewhat), because toning down the Red and Yellow tones turned the skin dark as I wished but it affected my brown eyes as well.
8. Toothache
Toothache |
Never, ever, in my dreams, did I imagine such a quick selfie shot with a mobile would gain popularity on YouPic, and on Instagram and Facebook as well. It was a hard time for me when I shot this, as I had some nerves issues in my gum. I've covered my mouth with this scarf and shot a selfie merely to be posted on Facebook. I'm not an addict of selfies but I do like to take self-portraits, and I have to say, the easiness in which a smartphone is used is seductive somewhat. After loading the image onto my computer I spent quite a time to process it and convert it to B&W. The highlights and shadows had to be re-built (if I can say so), and the noise or grain level was quite high (and still). Shot with Huawei Mate 9, which is at the time of shooting this self-portrait, was indeed an "old" mobile.
9. Upper Ways
Upper Ways |
This shot was taken at the "360 Mall" here in Kuwait; And I have to say that I really, really, hate this place. I don't find anything interesting about its architecture, but yet here is one that apparently people liked a picture of. I shot this after doing a panorama there in the early morning hours before visitors would come in (and yet some people were already doing their "daily" walking routine there!). After finishing the panorama, I didn't want to just leave. Thus, I've made this shot with my then-new modified camera for full spectrum shooting. I shot this using Rokinon 8mm f/3.5 fisheye lens, which is completely manual and has no pocket for for infrared gels or filters at the back or front. I had to fit the infrared gel filter to its back through some grooves in the lens' back. I've placed the camera on the ground and raised the front of the lens using my mobile or some other object and made the shot. I think it was a bracketed shot but I didn't merge it for HDR and rather used only this single exposure after all.
10. Xemx ta' Qala
Xemx Ta' Qala |
Another shot from Qala, in Gozo island, Malta, which I've visited only once, in 2015. Visiting Malta was tricky a bit since I'm used to a certain system in my visit to Ireland (3 times), which involve a lot of walking and taking pictures along the way, but this system was challenging with the terrain and with the ups and downs of the narrow roads of Qala. Thus, I usually don't wander far away from the B&B to take pictures, but it was that day that I've decided to really take the leap and wander off towards the seaside of the town. One thing captured my eyes there is the "fields" of cacti. Cacti is really a crop in Malta and not just some random plant growing here and there. I've took some shots at this location, through some broken brick wall I remember and I've lowered the camera down to the ground level. Made some horizontal shots but I didn't like the feel of it so I took some vertical ones, and I had no plans ahead that the sun would be in that position. Bracketed shots were taken and then HDR work had to be done of course. This image was subjected to some critique when I was a member in a photography group and I was asked to remove the sun to keep the focus on the raising cactus on the ground. However, when submitting this image elsewhere, and on YouPic of course, I didn't want to remove the sun because I always imagined the cacti on the ground making a leading line towards the sun in the sky. However, it might appear that there is a contrast and a distracting attention-seeking between the cacti and the sun. Nevertheless, I'm absolutely happy with this shot (and happy that I didn't get any thorns!)
That's it for now folks! I hope these stories added something useful or at least been amusing to read, specially under the current situation and circumstances of self-quarantine and home-stay. I'd love to give my appreciation and gratitude to all of you who appreciated my art, either by liking, sharing, commenting or starring. Thank you.
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