Thursday, August 13, 2009

I wish if I was...

My mood swing today was extreme that I was not able to focus or anything... even during writing these words. I had nap for like one hour in the office just to release some of the pressure that was hovering around my chest.
Today, is suposed to be the international day for left-handers, but anyway for someone like me in this corner of the world, it isn't a big deal. Is it? I was a bit disappointed though because I was trying, for the second time, to catch more photos for the same building and same dome like I did yesteday, and this time in rather a systematic manner and fixing the camera in specific spots. I downloaded the images down into my laptop in the office and I think the images were not up to level, specially that the center of the dome was not captured. I got an idea to combine the photos I had yesterday with the photos taken today and see if things can get even. All of that anyway should be done at home ONLY. Anyway, the idea did not work and still I cannot photomerge photos to form a complete image of the dome. I'm trying now to fix it myself, which is not an easy task. I still have hope that I will do something out of it. Beside fixing the pieces together like a jigsaw (which is a hard task to do by my own with the presence of some geometrical distortions), I have to fix the color level to make it all consistant within the same hue range! I think I will spend days working on this and yet, I don't know if I will do it right at the end!

With the disturbance in my mood, I recalled the lyrics for the amazing folk song, Carrickfergus. It gave me flash backs of days that sometimes I feel sad to leave, and sometimes feel happy for leaving them behind.

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