OK. This one is done in a hurry. I barely had something to post this week, and I'm still trying to adjust my time after the end of Ramadhan. I was going to cancel the post for this week just as a... gift to my own self, for my coming birthday on the 17th, but then there was this tiny project that I hated to delay more than it is delayed already.
Furthermore, my appetite for photography was on hold because of some migraines and sleeping disorders, as usual. However, I was lucky to work in a hurry and somehow thoughtlessly on some project that I was planning to do some time ago: Polaroid Peel.
Anyway, I've decided to work with this polaroid camera to do a peeling effect. Most of the time I was trying almost regular objects with cylindrical or semi-cylindrical shapes and I thought now it's the time to try out some real irregular shapes with sharp edges.
In the beginning I wanted to check the potential of PTGui to do the job despite my doubts about it. A prime stitch confirmed my doubts and such objects won't get along with the slit-crop method that I usually use in PTGui.
After this failure, I thought it's about time to get back to the classic methods of manual blending of layers to make up for such a peel. In the beginning it was frustrating as how to align and how to start, but things just went on (with errors of course). The job took around 2 days, and the work took around 48 layers stacked together. The original working PSB file (Large Document Format) sized more than 5GB! I've decided here not to include the back portion of the camera body because then I would have a problem with the lens at the front - I want this to be in the middle of the image and adding the backside would disturb the balance.
There are many issues that are still going through my mind about this simple project and probably I should put them in specific points:
These were the main points that I've been thinking of, and I'm sure there are more on the list in the future as I go on doing such stuff!Furthermore, my appetite for photography was on hold because of some migraines and sleeping disorders, as usual. However, I was lucky to work in a hurry and somehow thoughtlessly on some project that I was planning to do some time ago: Polaroid Peel.
Back in March this year, I was invited to attend the rewards ceremony of HIPA (Hamdan International Photography Award) in Dubai; an event that took place a week before Mom's sickness. There, they distributed a package containing a polaroid camera for the ceremony attendants. I have to say I'm so excited to have such a camera out of the ordinary digital cameras line, and I'm hoping to get the chance to use it one day for some nice shooting. Unlike the digital stuff, with such cameras as it is with film cameras, it is a one click business.Anyway, I've decided to work with this polaroid camera to do a peeling effect. Most of the time I was trying almost regular objects with cylindrical or semi-cylindrical shapes and I thought now it's the time to try out some real irregular shapes with sharp edges.
In the beginning I wanted to check the potential of PTGui to do the job despite my doubts about it. A prime stitch confirmed my doubts and such objects won't get along with the slit-crop method that I usually use in PTGui.
After this failure, I thought it's about time to get back to the classic methods of manual blending of layers to make up for such a peel. In the beginning it was frustrating as how to align and how to start, but things just went on (with errors of course). The job took around 2 days, and the work took around 48 layers stacked together. The original working PSB file (Large Document Format) sized more than 5GB! I've decided here not to include the back portion of the camera body because then I would have a problem with the lens at the front - I want this to be in the middle of the image and adding the backside would disturb the balance.
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Polapeel |
There are many issues that are still going through my mind about this simple project and probably I should put them in specific points:
- In such instances, it is even better to use the flash on top like I used to do before. It would shorten the exposure time significantly, and lessen the troubles with the shadows below subject.
- I'm not sure about the specific technique to blend. Technically, I was actually aligning different features on both sides and blending manually (using layer masks). Would there be a specific form of approach for this?
- Would I need indeed a shot every 5o? Or it would be enough to take a shot every 30o or even 45o for the object? Probably it also depends on the type of the object I'm trying to peel? Surely, if it works for 45o the work load would be significantly lower, but I don't know if it would work. Only experiments would do.
However, these experiments seem hazardous a bit because I'm straying away from the typical photography venue and concentrating on something typically called special effects and not a real style or school of photography. Yet, I think it is my desire to create the unusual that is always driving me to such experiments, including panoramic photography.
The engine is still greasing, or trying to be so, even after the end of Ramadhan. If I was tired during Ramadhan for waking up early and picking Mom to the dialysis center, it's doing to be a doubling of efforts when the jam starts with schools return and students' come-back to my work place. Yet, the routine and the schedule with Mom's duties do not change. Ever.I've been reading more into Turkish and discovering more about its grammar, which is somehow inspiring for my Geltani project, but I won't apply everything I read blindly. I admit, in the past 2 weeks, Geltani was of the least concern to me as I was chasing after my camera, and Mom's health. All what I need is some time organizing, and some physical health. In hope that Geltani would be in front of my eyes again and soon, probably, get published. Now, with no new books to read in my free time at work, I hope I can dedicate this time for Geltani.
My readings into the Turkish language lead me, by virtue, to be listening to a lot of Turkish music (and I do like such oriental music long before I try to understand the language). In musıc, though, there are always those strings that should not be touched that mangle in the heart. Isn't it a wonder, how something makes you so sad, yet you keep listening to it all over again?
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