Thursday, April 22, 2021

Kika VI…

Busy weeks, and Ramadan is already in. It seems that I do have to start typing my blogs very early just when one post is published! My busy schedule, by the way, includes helping and studying for my brother's sake as well as trying to nap intermittently to do these chores. I, too, have a new load of images that I really need to process further and make ready to be uploaded to the stocks. All that while there is a list of images to be uploaded to the stocks already! I wonder if 24 hours a day are still enough.
I've uploaded previously 10 panoramas and made them exclusive to Mostphotos, and I do have plans to add to them. However, because of this hectic life I'm leading right now, this won't be any time soon I guess. I've been trying to promote these panoramas by sharing them over, but seems this method is not working well. Or maybe people are just not interested in such things anymore. Ah well…
I've been struck with an allergic attack out of nowhere this week and my health is kind of up and down (again) but seems things are getting better, though slowly. I just hope it doesn't relapse to something worse!

Kika VI

As the Retinitis Pigmentosa project is over with, I'm going to jump right into Kika's photo-challenge this time and then continue with other shots that I've done before or after or during the running of these photo-challenges (which are over by last week by the way). So, the theme of the 6<sup>th</sup> week's challenge was Growth.


The Two (re-make)
In the beginning I was quite blank about this idea and tried to brainstorm and come about with some unusual ideas. I did in fact come with some sort of idea but the execution failed. For this reason, I thought maybe I should just re-work some old image resembling something about Growth and I did find this image indeed; The Two. A shot I've taken around my workplace back in 2019. I've posted this shot on Instagram long time ago and in order not to be repeating myself, I've decided to edit it in a different way, pushing more on the artistic side rather than the "proper" photography side. Thus, I didn't care much about removing that brick on the right side and the photo was edited in a trial to mimic the pastel colors style. I've tried this editing style in a number of photos but honestly I didn't go deep with such experiments. I think I still need to do more about it.
Anyway, after posting the photo on Instagram, I found out that I still have time - I was too busy with other things that I've doubted I could do my idea in time, specially that is an idea that requires a lot of Photoshop work (or magic, if you will!).
صَدَقَة (Alms)
The idea came about from a Hadith (reported speech from prophet Mohammed, PUH) which goes like: Never did the money of a servant gone less by alms-giving. Meaning that when someone gives charity, his or her money grows back and do not get lesser.
The execution was a bit clumsy in terms of the hand movement (I don't have flexible muscles). I've used a table covered in black cloth and made the gestures behind the far edge. The lighting though was a bit problematic and I had to struggle with it to get some proper angle. I was too lazy to use more than one and in fact the idea would NOT require more than one. Whenever you think of "drama" always think of "one light". This is my tip for you! The position of the lighting was quite critical to avoid lighting the wall behind me as much as possible. I would be able to merge the photos in Photoshop after all but it is just wise I guess to reduce the workload and the problems as much as possible in the shooting phase. The rest of the tale is, of course, a Photoshop tale; Merging various shots together (and discarding unneeded ones) and playing the game of layer masks, and adding a touch of lighting effects. Luckily all of this was done and posted on Instagram before the announcement of the next photo-challenge by Kika! (which occurred typically on Thursdays on her Youtube channel). I consider myself lucky for finishing this little project in such a short time, with all the mess that life keeps throwing at me! The question remains now as whether I should upload it to the stocks or not, specially that it is such a large image file. Anyway, I better put that on hold as there are other batches of photos that needs to be uploaded first.
One of the shots that I've liked in my first attempt with this little project.


Rolling Back

After indulging so much in these photo-challenges as well as with RP project, it does sound a bit hard for me to roll back to where I stopped with my random camera working! Among the little announcements that I've used to post for a while, it seems that the latest post of some real camera work was done back in November 2020 or so when I used to stroll around morning times and snap some images around my area. So, What I'm going to do here is to roll back to February 2021.

Meditative Behind Bars
Typical for such a lockdown (or without it honestly), I often look around to look for something to shoot and back in the day I've picked our poor bird (which I think is a canary). I say poor because, well, I really hate to see birds behind cages but I'm forced to let it be so since I don't own it; Yet, I'm trying to take care of it as much as possible since no one in this house would. I don't actually think anyone here thinks of animals like the way I do.

A Concept of Freedom

The shoot was done using Sigma 70-300mm lens, and my old 7D camera (i.e. the normal one not the modified one). It can be noticed though that I've focused on the pinkish theme here to add some softness and gentleness to the harsh reality of being behind bars (and no, it has nothing to do with feminism nor the feminine side of the bird). There is, supposedly, a trick that would hide the bars but I think I would need special preparations and another lens. I've picked this lens specifically to be able to stay away from the cage and shoot, and the minimum aperture here is f/4.5 (goes to f/5 when zooming). All in all, it was a good practice for motion handheld shooting with AI Servo drive!

Canary (3D)

One of the benefits of shooting a bit further away from the cage (even though the bird does not have much freedom here) is to keep the bird moving and follow him in a close-up. I think it would be such a good practice for people who are into wild-life photography at some stage, but for me it does not exceed the limit of enjoying and practicing the camera and the hold. Since I was shooting in a continuous (burst) mode, there was a great build-up of images with chances for creating 3D anaglyph images as in Canary (3D) where the movement of the camera OR the bird was subtle, but the difference is capable of creating a parallax difference and hence a 3D illusion; This is mainly because of zooming in. In addition to that, some artistic rendition can be made later on (with a tick of inspiration when that comes) as in Desperado.


I guess you can see how much I feel sorry for the bird. In fact I've tried to let it go but I've discovered that he was not able to fly and feared it would be devoured by some cat out there, thus we got it back to the cage. In Desperado, the collage was made of images shot continuously for the bird as it was trying to clean itself or something. There was a load of images to check out as well as a load of them to be deleted for the apparent shake. So, again, I consider myself lucky here to have these successive 4 in order.


Well, Ramadhan is here and I'm absolutely grateful to the fact that I don't have to go to work. Even though, I do have personal troubles and setbacks on the other side of the spectrum here, but well, trying to keep looking at the bright side of things.
I've got here load of things to do (beside typing these posts every other week), mainly helping my brother and attending to Mom a bit. In this mess also, I'm kind of swept by astrology, as I'm trying to learn few tips and bits from here and there. Well, mainly to understand myself really but I do dwell on other aspects from time to time as well.
I really wanted to talk a bit about my "bubbles" project in this post but I thought I should roll back and make things a bit chronological as this project is just recent and worked with in the past few weeks of April. So many images I've processed in this project that I'm going to need some time to prepare them for the stock (and let's hope they accept them as some works of abstracts). I've even made a video for a quick view for all of them. This said, there are a number of them that I've set aside to be processed later (not sure when) as they didn't quite get along the others. We'll see about that.
Days pass now, and my isolation increases by the day. An isolation that strikes in the mind and the heart before in body itself. And this has nothing to do with COVID and the lock-downs, though related in some way, but it is something bigger than that. I wouldn't mind if this isolation was somewhere out there, somewhere green, somewhere with fresh air and singing birds. But here? I just don't know how long I can stand this…


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